Monday, June 13, 2016

New York Capital District Region Renaissance Festival/ Not the Saratoga Springs Flag Day Parade

I was planning on being involved in several events over the weekend. First, was marching in the Saratoga Springs Flag Day Parade as member of the Saratoga Springs International Film Festival (SSIFF).
It was our intention of handing out little flags with the SSIFF information on them; however, due to the very inclement weather on Saturday, we did not march in the parade. I would like to mention that the SSIFF is still looking for volunteers and sponsors for the event. Make sure you check them out, and support them if you can.

On Sunday, I attended the New York Capital Region RenaissanceFestival,  which is held at Indian Ladder Farms in Altamont, NY.  The area known as Indian Ladder region has a fascinating history, I would check this out on this website to learn more.

This faire is held at Indian Ladder Farms, this is a wonderful farm which produces a wide range of apples and berries; it also includes a market and a cafe. It is nestled in a valley in the Adirondack Mountains, which causes the soil to be rich and fertile. The farm participates in educational programs to instruct the public about farming and the area.

The admission to this event was $13; this is very reasonable for a faire of this type. The event is now in its third year, and I hope it has many more to come.

At the festival, I met some old friend and made some new ones. Here is a partial list of them and some of the vendors and entertainers I saw:

Tatterdemalion- This was the first time I ever saw this vendor.  They make original and traditional clothing.  I bought a pair of trousers from her at a very reasonable price. She does not have a website, but sells her products at faires.

Vixens En Garde-  A fighting performance which also includes a lot of comedy. Their banters between each other and the audience were very entertaining and enjoyable. Their performance is worth seeing.

Alice and her Puppet Friends - If you remember from this previous blog, I saw her performance at the Mayfaireon the Green. She is a very talented puppeteer, who presents an extremely family-friendly performance geared toward younger children.
The Greatest Pirate Story Never Told- This was the first time I ever saw this group, and I was not disappointed. There stage act is highly original and their interaction with the audience was very enjoyable. Check out their upcoming schedule on their website, and if you get a chance check them out.
Helderberg Meadworks- They are a local producer of a very good-quality mead. As with last year, I bought a pint of mead from them.  Check them out and see if you might enjoy their product.

Teardrop Creations- This was one of the first vendors I ever met at this type of event. They are a couple who produce excellent and unique jewelry. This is a definite recommendation from me.
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA, The Eastern Kingdom, The Concordia of the Snows) – If you remember from the post from last year, I was very impressed with this group, and this year they did not disappoint. If you are interested in medieval-renaissance history you MUST check out the main branch of the organization. Chances are there is a local SCA near you, and you can learn not only about armor and fighting techniques, but also history and about everyday living in those times.

I would encourage each of you to go to these entertainers and vendors’ websites and see if they will be in any festival near you.

A queen on her throne, you can see her at the upcoming New York State Fairy Festival June 24-25.

The New York Capital Regions Renaissance Festival is a small event, but it appears to get larger each year. This is a very entertaining and educational faire, and I encourage everyone to make plans to attend next year.

Next Week: The Mutton and Mead Festival (if weather permitting)


  1. Looks like an interesting faire. Really curious about the Society for Creative Anachronism. Never know such a thing existed.

    1. Olivia, here, from the Society for Creative Anachronism. Is there a particular area that interests you? Arts and Sciences? Fencing? Heavy Weapons? Archery? Family Activities? We have a calendar of events posted on our website ( that will tell you about the upcoming events and meetings we have. We'd love to see you at our next gathering!

  2. Tatterdemalion is a great-sounding word, and your mention of them reminds me of how much I enjoyed all of the costumes people wore at the festival I went to in NC. I could definitely get into the costume aspect of things.

  3. William, I have never been into the Renaissance Festival thing. I have always had an urge to try out some Live Action Role-Playing gatherings, but I just never had the time. Have you ever done one of those?

    Also, I see you are a professional wrestler. You might find my blog to be SOMEWHAT in line with your interests, as it is devoted to my martial arts training. Not exactly the same as what you do, but at least hovering on the peripheral!

    1. Actually, I would be very interested in that. I am a 3 time inductee into the United States Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame.

  4. William, you have certainly found a terrific way of spending your weekends. I rather like the New York State Fairy Festival - looks very intriguing and somewhat Victorian if the dress is anything to go by.
    Looking forward to reading about the mutton and mead festival.

  5. It looks like a great faire for summer day trips. I plan on making a day trip list with the kids and will mention to them to see if they want to go. Thanks for the idea.

  6. Really interesting William. I confess I had to jump over to a new screen to find out what 'mead' is since I've never heard of it before. Learn something new ever day. :-)

  7. Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the Renaissance Festival. The vendors all sound great, but since they are a bit far from me, I don't think they'll be coming into my area. I do remember from my summer working at a Renaissance Fair that such talented artists and vendors take part. It is great that they get this opportunity to showcase what they do.

  8. You always find such interesting acts and vendors at Renaissance Fairs. The New York Capitol Regions Renaissance Festival may be small but it sounds like a quality event.

  9. What type of mead did you buy from Helderberg Meadworks? I have never had mead before and am not sure I would like it (I like beer but not wine) but I would definitely be interested in trying the capsicumel mead made with honey and hot peppers.

    1. Plain old Honey Mead. They do sell an apple mead, but I have not tried that yet.

  10. Glad you enjoyed yourself, William. The renaissance festival sounds like an interesting event.

  11. What fun! Glad that you were able to repeat some good experiences and see some new things--always a successful event!

  12. Thank you so much for your kind reviews! It is so much fun to perform at the fairs and festivals. I also really enjoy your blog!

  13. Krebby'z Kyd'z had a wonderful time despite the hard cold rains. It was our first time out in the circuits. We love to bring our wares of Trolls Fairies, Dragons, Fairies, and more. Ty for Blogging. See you at Krebashia Kingdom?

    1. TY for the comment. I will definitely see you at the Krebashia Kingdom.
